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  • EB is an interactive online English learning and knowledge-building programme for secondary students.
  • Fun and Friends is an interactive online English language programme that uses award-winning animations, stories and videos to engage and motivate children to learn English.
  • Fun and Friends Book Club provides a set of fun, interactive readers that develop and enhance your child's English-language skills from reading and listening, to speaking and storytelling!
  • ENG is a new series developed to help students learn and use English across the curriculum, using multimedia content from National Geographic.
  • SD2 is an English skills development programme designed to help students achieve success in the HKDSE exam.
  • DSE** is an effective online HKDSE skills development programme, specifically designed to help students succeed in the Reading sections of the HKDSE English Language Examination.
  • Wiseman Classics is an interactive and language-rich book series where you can enjoy a variety of inspiring classic stories.
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  QualiEd College

QualiEd College

A Good Team of Teachers Nurtures Positive Results

"Our English department is very supportive to our needs… therefore we are quite successful in using English Builder."
- Ms Chow

Positive Reinforcement in Classrooms

Teachers organised the MMLC into two areas: the English Builder Area and the Free Area. After the students complete their tasks for English Builder, they can enter the Free Area and do other fun activities. Students who have done well are rewarded. A ranking board showing the students’ progress in English Builder is situated outside the English office for teachers to effectively monitor the latest results. It also motivates students to do better because it establishes a competitive environment.

Teachers Working as a Team

Teacher co-operation is very important to motivate students who require catching up. In QualiEd College, teachers work in teams to encourage students to complete their English Builder lessons. They have their own classbased award system where credits and merits are awarded for completion.

Students are also Teachers

The English department already has a bridging programme where existing students in QualiEd College will act as big brothers and sisters to assist S1 students as they familiarise themselves with English Builder over the summer.

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