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  • EB is an interactive online English learning and knowledge-building programme for secondary students.
  • Fun and Friends is an interactive online English language programme that uses award-winning animations, stories and videos to engage and motivate children to learn English.
  • Fun and Friends Book Club provides a set of fun, interactive readers that develop and enhance your child's English-language skills from reading and listening, to speaking and storytelling!
  • ENG is a new series developed to help students learn and use English across the curriculum, using multimedia content from National Geographic.
  • SD2 is an English skills development programme designed to help students achieve success in the HKDSE exam.
  • DSE** is an effective online HKDSE skills development programme, specifically designed to help students succeed in the Reading sections of the HKDSE English Language Examination.
  • Wiseman Classics is an interactive and language-rich book series where you can enjoy a variety of inspiring classic stories.
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  Hong Kong Taoist Association
The Yuen Yuen Institute
No.3 Secondary School

Hong Kong Taoist Association
The Yuen Yuen Institute No.3 Secondary School

Interclass competition to boost confidence in learning English

"The idea of holding an interclass quiz comes from TV programmes and other interschool competitions. It helps to maximise the learning outcome, raise students’ awareness toward English Builder and enhance the English speaking atmosphere at school."
- Miss Ko

"The programme (English Builder) contains a lot of news articles; we can learn a lot of English that can be used in our daily lives…… We can practise our critical thinking. It is also a competition between schools."
- Tiffany and Hugo of 6A

Boosting Confidence

Students believe that they can improve their English through completing English Builder as it contains international issues that trigger critical thinking. Besides that, they can understand the colloquial terms used by native speakers. What’s more, they enjoyed the challenges when coming across difficult questions. No wonder they were so eager to answer them in English in front of everybody else in the school hall as it showed what they have learnt throughout the year.

Exposure to English environment

Throughout the competition, classmates communicated in English and helped each other in order to get the best results in the competition. This enhances the English speaking atmosphere and students could actually recycle the English they have learnt from English builder. The hard work from teachers was definitely worthwhile.

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